JJ Space X is an interactive, twine-based game falling under the category of interactive fiction, set in the year 3025. In this narrative, a spaceship journeys through the galaxy, engaging in deep-space experiments aimed at advancing the human race. The crew explores habitable planets, but their mission takes a perilous turn when an experimental organism is accidentally released, wreaking havoc on the ship. This organism begins to destroy the vessel, endangering the lives of everyone on board by killing almost all of the crew and damaging critical ship components.

The protagonist, who is the player, awakens from their cryogenic pod, disoriented and unsure of their surroundings. They must embark on a series of missions to end the game favorably. Navigating through the damaged ship, the player must piece together what happened and gather important research data that could benefit mankind.

However, the game is fraught with challenges, including multiple endings and a dwindling oxygen supply. The player is faced with urgent questions: Can they save themselves and any survivors in time? Will they manage to collect the data and return home before it's too late?

This compelling narrative invites players into a suspenseful, interactive experience where their decisions determine the fate of the mission and the lives aboard the spacecraft.


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very interesting story and beautiful artwork, the addition of an oxygen percentage helps with the suspense

Wow, I was not expecting a Twine game to have so much suspense and danger! The rapidly decreasing oxygen bar is frightening and it leads to an entirely different gameplay experience from the slow, text-heavy reading experiences I'm familiar with from Twine games. I will say that because the oxygen bar is depleting so quickly, players may be more inclined to skip over text as they impulsively click onto the next passage.  A solution to this might be spreading the game out more and making each passage have less text, so the reader feels inclined to read it all and make an effort with their choices. Alternatively, if you really really think it's important for the player to read all the text through before clicking, the oxygen bar should deplete at a lower rate.

I love the worldbuilding you've done for the game and the interior spaceship illustration is gorgeous! I would love to see even more of your art!