JJ Space X is an interactive, twine-based game falling under the category of interactive fiction, set in the year 3025. In this narrative, a spaceship journeys through the galaxy, engaging in deep-space experiments aimed at advancing the human race. The crew explores habitable planets, but their mission takes a perilous turn when an experimental organism is accidentally released, wreaking havoc on the ship. This organism begins to destroy the vessel, endangering the lives of everyone on board by killing almost all of the crew and damaging critical ship components.

The protagonist, who is the player, awakens from their cryogenic pod, disoriented and unsure of their surroundings. They must embark on a series of missions to end the game favorably. Navigating through the damaged ship, the player must piece together what happened and gather important research data that could benefit mankind.

However, the game is fraught with challenges, including multiple endings and a dwindling oxygen supply. The player is faced with urgent questions: Can they save themselves and any survivors in time? Will they manage to collect the data and return home before it's too late?

This compelling narrative invites players into a suspenseful, interactive experience where their decisions determine the fate of the mission and the lives aboard the spacecraft.


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the concept of the oxygen loss is really cool — i kind of wish more was done with it? maybe the options/abilities of the character could be affected. i think implementing it more throughout the game would give it the a sense of urgency throughout (or, while the oxygen is draining).  i think it’s only necessary when the oxygen is running out, but i just love this mechanic  :)

i didn’t really notice any issues in the game. the only thing i noticed was that the oxygen continues draining at the end-screen. idk if it effects anything if it runs out (with it being an end-screen)?

The story is great and the sound creates the setting very well. I also agree with the oxygen drain urgency but that is something that can be updated later. Overall, great concept and narratives. You explained to me the layout of that ship, it would really help if in the future you could add a top view sketch of the ship's layout and label all the rooms so the player knows where they'll be headed with the options they're selecting

You've done a wonderful job with world building and mechanics, it definitely is an extremely engaging narrative. I definitely agree that the oxygen drain could have a bit more of a sense of urgency to it. Also there was a passage where the player character gains a health boost, but honestly having both  health and oxygen may be a bit redundant as the mechanics are now. I think the oxygen drain idea was a really great one and it could stand really strong on it's own with a few tweaks. In the future if you were going to include both adding more narrative elements that utilize both of them could help with that but that may lead to more work with having to balance them. Overall this is a great game and it was a super interesting story to play through! :)

Great game, music works great to build the atmosphere, and the oxygen concept is very interesting as a pseudo time limiter.

My only complaint about the game would balancing the fine line of giving the player not enough time or care to read the dialog, versus too much time to the point where the oxygen drain is so slow that there is no more danger. 

The way I would go about combating this is keeping the slow drain so you can read the text, but having many more hazards that could drain health (if you click by without reading) or drain oxygen (trap rooms, etc.)

But still overall a good game with a fun mechanic that can be explore more, and sorry I couldn't help you with the background image, still scratching my head over that.